Friday, January 28

Peggy Noonan: Further Thoughts on The Inaugural

Some conservatives were taken back at the response from their side concerning president Bush's inaugural address. Peggy Nonnan, Bill Buckley, David Gelertner, David Frum etc. all had strong criticisms for the president. I noted Peggy's remarks last week.

Well, in response to her article in the Wall Street Journal last week, Peggy provides some additional insight in her WSJ article today:

"You know the dispute. Last week I slammed the president's inaugural address. I was not alone, but I came down hard, early and in one of the most highly read editorial pages in America.

A week later, do I stand by my views?

Yes. If I wrote it today I wouldn't be softer, but harder.

What was the biggest mistake of the speech?

They forgot context. All speeches take place within a historical context, a time and place. A good speech acknowledges context often without even mentioning it.

Bill Buckley and David Gelertner suggest the speech was badly written. Isn't that really the essential problem?

No. It was badly thought."

Read her full article here.

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