Wednesday, February 2

A Fait Accompli?

So does it really matter that Howard Dean will in all probability win the race for the Democratic National Committee chairman? Well, many think it's a good thing. Yesterday the WSJ OpinionJournal noted that,

"The New York Daily News quotes Dean as saying, at a DNC gathering over the weekend, "I hate the Republicans and everything they stand for."

Blogger Edward Morrissey takes Dean at his word:

Dean and his followers demonstrate the illness that has infected the American Left since the 1960s. They don't just oppose--they hate. They hate Republicans, they hate suburbia, they hate just about everything America has done."

As Former Texas Rep. Martin Frost dropped out of the race yesterday he called Dean and,

"congratulated him for running a strong campaign. The challenge ahead for Governor Dean will be to unite the party, rebuild the DNC and win elections in every region of the country."

It remains to be seen if this too will be A Fait Accompli?

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