Friday, January 14

I Believe in Democracy

"All I need is for at least one person to know what I believe in, in case I lose my life."

That's what an Iraqi election worker said to Christine Hauser of The New York Times. Hauser filed a report yesterday concerning the more than 6,000 election employees working throughout Iraq. These workers have, as you already know, become targets of the terrorists. Many have been threatened, attacked, kidnapped and in all to many cases killed. To what end? For the opportunity to have a vote in the historic Iraqi elections scheduled for the end of the month.

These workers are brave patriots. Many opponents of the whole Iraqi effort seem to think that since America has been the force behind the freedom effort nothing good can result.

Captain Ed commented on the Hauser report that:

"Reading [Hauser's report] reminds me of Michael Moore's famous assertion that Abu Musab al-Zarqawi and his terrorist minions were Iraq's answer to the American Revolution's Minutemen -- a group of freedom fighters against a colonial presence. Moore couldn't be more wrong if he tried."

I agree! Freedom has always come at a cost. We are witnessing this now in Iraqi.

"I believe in Democracy."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Right. I suppose 0%+1 telling 99.9999% how they can live sounds much more like freedom, especially when there is no chance of voting him out of office in four years.